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Your breeder will send you a completed Puppy Deposit Agreement for signature. This is a copy only!

Puppy Deposit Agreement


By putting a deposit down, you are agreeing to purchase a puppy from the upcoming/current litter.


I have read and received a copy of the Purchase Agreement/Health Guarantee, understand it fully, and will abide completely in order to keep the guarantee in full effect.


Deposit:  $_____.00                   Balance due upon pickup


This deposit Guarantees (Buyer): ____________________________ a pick of the upcoming litter of (Breed): ________________________, which is ☐ due on, ☐ born (Date): ____/____/____, gender is to be a ☐ MALE, ☐ FEMALE, ☐ EITHER. The buyer will be contacted once the litter is born if not already. The order of picking is determined by the order in which the deposits are received. This buyer will be the_______ to pick out his/her puppy from this litter. Buyer will be granted 24 hours to pick their choice of available puppy/puppies. Picking begins between 7-14 days of age. If buyer chooses not to pick from this litter, then buyer agrees to wait until the next litter is due, either from the same female (which could be a year later) or a different female of the same breed from their next litter. If deposit is received by cash, USPS money order or PayPal, buyer is agreeing to terms of Made in OHIO Kennels Puppy Sales Contract.


The Buyer agrees no refunds on Deposits, unless otherwise agreed here in writing.   Failure of the Buyer to complete this purchase would subject Seller to lost opportunities to sell the Puppy to some other Buyer and retention of the Deposit is meant to compensate Seller for their possible loss.  This deposit signifies the intent on the part of the Buyer to follow through with the Purchase of this Puppy. 


The Buyer agrees that they have read and understand Made in OHIO Kennels contract terms, health guarantee, breeding right regulations and strict return policy.


The Seller reserves the right to void this transaction and refund the Deposit if we learn of any reason why Buyer might not be suitable for the puppy –( i.e. Buyer is found to be an animal abuser, violent person, representative of a Pet Store, representative of a pharmaceutical research laboratory or sees to fit etc.).


The Seller agrees that if through some tragic accident the Puppy were to die or otherwise be seriously injured before it goes to its new home then, of course, the deposit will be returned to the Buyer; unless the Buyer wishes to apply the Deposit to another Puppy, if one is available, or to a puppy from the next available litter.




Breeder:  Made in OHIO Kennels

Breeder Name: __________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________

City: __________________________________ State: __________  Zip: ___________

E-mail Address: _________________________________________________________

Phone Number: ______________________________    Cell Number: ______________________________


Print First Name: ________________________             Last: ___________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________

City: __________________________________ State: __________  Zip: ___________

E-mail Address: _________________________________________________________

Phone Number: ______________________________    Cell Number: ______________________________


Buyer Signature: ___________________________________     Date: _________________


Breeder Signature: __________________________________      Date: _________________



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